Yacht Dice – Game #3 in Clubhouse Games Review

Written and reviewed by:

Christy Cookie

Welcome to the next Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics review. The third game of out the 51 in the list is Yacht Dice. If you want to check out this game, but in Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics, we will supply links to the game. Stay tuned, because a post on the physical version of Yacht Dice will be posted to the blog as well, so make sure you stay tuned for that!


Yacht Dice is a classic game that has been around for decades. It is a game of chance and strategy that can be played with two or more players. The game is played with five dice and a score sheet. The object of the game is to score the most points by rolling certain combinations of numbers on the dice.

Yacht Dice is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is easy to learn and can be played in a short amount of time. The game can be played with family and friends or with strangers at a party. It is a great way to pass the time and to test your luck and strategy skills.

Aspects of Yacht Dice – compared to Yahtzee.

  • Yacht Dice is a classic game that has been around for decades.
  • The game is played with five dice and a score sheet.
  • Yacht Dice is a fun and challenging game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Overview of Yacht Dice

Game Origin

Yacht Dice, also known as Yahtzee, is a popular dice game that originated in the United States in the 1940s. It was created by a wealthy Canadian couple who wanted a game that combined elements of skill and luck. The game became popular among their friends and family, and soon spread throughout the country. In the 1950s, the game was licensed to the game company, E.S. Lowe, and became a commercial success.

Basic Concept

Yacht Dice is a game that is played with five dice and a scorecard. The objective of the game is to score as many points as possible by rolling different combinations of numbers on the dice. Each turn, players have three rolls to try and achieve different combinations, such as a full house or a large straight. The scorecard has different categories, and players must choose which category to score in based on the numbers they roll.

The game is won by the player with the highest total score at the end of 13 rounds. Yacht Dice is a game of both skill and luck, as players must make strategic decisions about which combinations to go for and when to take risks. It is a game that can be played with two or more players, and is suitable for all ages.

In summary, Yacht Dice is a classic game that has stood the test of time. It is easy to learn, but offers a lot of depth and strategy for those who want to master it. With its simple rules and exciting gameplay, it is no wonder that Yacht Dice has remained a popular game for over 70 years.

Game Components


The Yacht dice game comes with five standard six-sided dice. These dice are the same size and weight as regular dice, and they are made of plastic. Each die has the numbers 1 through 6 printed on its faces in black ink. The dice are easy to roll and have a good feel to them.

Score Sheets

The Yacht dice game includes a set of score sheets. These sheets are used to keep track of each player’s score during the game. The score sheets are made of paper and are printed with the categories that players can score points in. Each sheet has enough space for 12 rounds of play, with each player having a column to record their scores.

In an actual Game Box and Packaging…

The Yacht dice game comes in a small, compact box that is easy to store and transport. The box is made of sturdy cardboard and has a colorful design that features images of dice and the game’s name. Inside the box, the dice and score sheets are neatly arranged, making it easy to set up and start playing.

Overall, the Yacht dice game components are well-made and designed to last. The dice are of good quality and feel comfortable to roll, while the score sheets are easy to read and use. The game box is also well-designed and makes it easy to store and transport the game.

Setup Instructions

Initial Preparation

Before starting the game, each player should be given a score sheet. The objective of the game is to score the most points by rolling combinations of five dice. The score sheet should have 12 categories, each with its own unique scoring system. These categories include ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, small straight, large straight, and yacht.

Once each player has their score sheet, they should decide who will start the game. The first player should take all five dice and roll them. The game then proceeds in a clockwise direction.

Player Turn Sequence

On each player’s turn, they should roll all five dice. After the first roll, the player can choose to set aside any dice they want to keep and re-roll the rest. They can do this twice more, for a total of three rolls per turn.

Once the player has completed their three rolls, they must choose a category on their score sheet to score their roll. They can only score each category once, so they must choose carefully. If the roll does not fit into any of the categories, the player can choose to score it as a chance, which is simply the sum of all five dice.

Players should continue taking turns until each player has completed all 12 categories on their score sheet. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is the winner.

Overall, the setup for Yacht Dice is fairly simple, and the game can be played with just a score sheet and five dice. The game is easy to learn but offers a lot of strategic depth, making it an enjoyable game for players of all skill levels.

Gameplay Mechanics

Rolling the Dice

In Yacht Dice, each player rolls five dice on their turn. After the first roll, players can set aside any dice they want to keep and re-roll the remaining dice up to two more times. The goal is to get the highest-scoring combination possible.

Scoring System

Yacht Dice has twelve scoring categories, each with different point values. The categories include ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, sixes, three of a kind, four of a kind, full house, small straight, large straight, and yacht. Players must choose which category they want to score in for each turn.

For example, if a player rolls three sixes and two twos, they could choose to score in the category of sixes and earn 18 points. If a player rolls a yacht, which is five of a kind, they earn 50 points.

Winning Conditions

The game ends after all players have taken turns in each of the twelve categories. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game is the winner. In the case of a tie, the tied players play one final round to determine the winner.

Overall, Yacht Dice is a simple and enjoyable game that can be played with friends and family. The game mechanics are easy to understand and the scoring system allows for strategic decision-making.

Strategies and Tips

Risk Management

Yacht is a game of chance, and as such, there is always a certain amount of risk involved. However, there are certain strategies that players can use to minimize their risk and increase their chances of winning. One such strategy is to focus on the lower-scoring categories early in the game, such as the ones for ones, twos, and threes. This can help players build up a solid base of points, which they can then use to go after the higher-scoring categories later on.

Another way to manage risk is to avoid going for the “Yacht” category too early in the game. While it is tempting to try to roll five of a kind right off the bat, the odds of doing so are relatively low. Instead, players should focus on building up points in other categories first, and then try for the “Yacht” category later on if they have a good chance of rolling it.

Score Maximization

Of course, the ultimate goal in Yacht is to score as many points as possible. To do this, players need to be strategic in their approach to the game. One key strategy is to focus on the high-scoring categories, such as the ones for large straights and full houses. These categories can be more difficult to achieve, but the payoff is worth it.

Another way to maximize scores is to take advantage of the bonus points for scoring 63 or more points in the top half of the scoresheet. To do this, players should aim to score at least three of a kind in each of the categories for ones, twos, threes, fours, and fives. If they can do this, they will earn a bonus of 35 points, which can make a big difference in the final score.

Overall, the key to success in Yacht is to be strategic, manage risk, and aim for the high-scoring categories. With a little bit of luck and a lot of skill, players can come out on top and emerge as the Yacht champion.

Variations of Yacht Dice

Alternative Rules

Yacht Dice is a game that can be played in different ways, depending on the rules that the players agree on. One popular variation is called “Low Roller,” where the objective is to get the lowest score possible. In this version, players aim to get as many ones and twos as possible while avoiding high-scoring categories such as Yacht and Large Straight.

Another variation is called “High Roller,” where players aim to get the highest score possible. This version is more challenging as players need to focus on getting high-scoring categories such as Yacht and Large Straight while avoiding low-scoring categories.

Different Game Modes

Apart from the traditional Yacht Dice game, there are different game modes that players can try. One of these is called “Team Yacht,” where players form teams and compete against each other. This mode adds a new level of strategic gameplay as players need to work together to maximize their scores.

Another game mode is called “Speed Yacht,” where players have a limited amount of time to complete their turns. This mode is fast-paced and requires quick thinking and decision-making skills.

Overall, Yacht Dice offers a lot of flexibility in terms of rules and game modes, making it a versatile game that can be enjoyed in many different ways.

Review and Personal Thoughts

Game Quality

The Yacht Dice game is a well-crafted game that comes with high-quality dice. The dice have a good weight and feel solid in the hand. The game’s scorecard is also well-designed and easy to read, which makes keeping score a breeze. The game’s packaging is also compact and portable, making it easy to take on trips or to play on the go.

Replay Value

Yacht Dice is a game that can be played over and over again without getting boring. The game’s randomness ensures that each game is different, and the player’s strategy can change depending on the dice rolls. The game’s simplicity also makes it easy to teach to new players, which makes it a great game to play with family and friends.

Comparisons to Similar Games

Compared to similar games like Yahtzee and Poker Dice, Yacht Dice is a simpler game that is easier to teach and play. Yahtzee has more complex scoring rules and requires more strategy, while Poker Dice has a different scoring system and requires more knowledge of poker hands. Yacht Dice is a great game for those who want a fun and simple game to play with friends and family.

Overall, Yacht Dice is a great game that is well-designed and easy to play. Its simplicity and replayability make it a great addition to any game collection.

Overall Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, the Yacht Dice game is a delightful and captivating pastime that offers an enjoyable blend of strategy and chance. Players are tasked with rolling five dice and trying to achieve various combinations to score points, making each turn a thrilling exercise in decision-making and risk-taking. The game’s dynamic nature ensures that no two rounds are ever the same, keeping players engaged and entertained as they strive to outmaneuver their opponents and achieve the highest score.

Furthermore, the yacht dice game’s accessibility and simplicity make it an ideal choice for gatherings with friends and family. Its straightforward rules and quick gameplay allow players of all ages and skill levels to participate, fostering a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition. Whether it’s a casual game night or a relaxed afternoon at home, the yacht dice game has the versatility to bring people together and create memorable moments filled with laughter and excitement. Overall, the game’s enduring popularity and universal appeal make it a timeless classic that continues to charm and entertain players around the world.

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Featured Writer: Christy Cookie

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